Letter Writing
Letters to the Editor
Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper helps to alert and inform the general public to what's happening in our schools, cities, counties, state, and federally.
Although letters to the editor policies vary across publications, the advice below applies to most papers:
Keep it brief. Many newspapers won't even consider letters longer than 200-300 words. (This is about 1 to 1-1/2 pages double-spaced.)
Type your letter. Sometimes editors won't even read letters that are hand written.
Stick to your point. If you're responding to a news story or editorial, you don't need to give many background details. You may simply start your letter by saying, "In response to your {date} editorial regarding..."
Use facts to support your points, to ensure that your letter is informative and useful to readers.
Be polite, even (maybe especially) when you disagree.
Include your full name, address, phone number. Anonymous letters aren't generally published, though you may request that the editor withhold your name as the letterwriter.
Don't get discouraged if your letter isn't printed the first time. Often there simply isn't room to print all of the letters received.
Persistence will pay off! If your letter is published, consider sending the newspaper clipping to the relevant elected officials as a good way to show them that your views are getting public attention.
We've included some examples of letters to editors written by our club members as examples and inspiration for your own letter writing. If your letter gets published, please share it with us!
In "Parents Beware of Sex Education Bill", Annette Thompson warns of the hidden dangers in the Minnesota Comprehensive Sex Education Bill HF 358.
Published March 27, 2021, Prior Lake American
On March 6, 2021 Alexandra Matyja's "Election Outcome Was Fortified" was published in the Prior Lake American and sheds light on an article in Time regarding the 2020 election. She encourages voters to investigate the facts.
Published March 6, 2021, Prior Lake American
"A Dangerous Path: Congress vs. Executive Orders", an opinion piece by Rita Hillman-Olson, was published on southernminn.com from The Faribault Daily News. This article discusses how executive orders undermine the will of the people.
Published February 26, 2021, southernmn.com
In this opinion piece, associate member Al Kranz, sheds light on Critical Race Theory in response to a prior opinions in the Sun This Week that called for more CRT exposure in schools.
Published May 27, 2021, Sun This Week