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Club Executive Positions & Special Committees 

Committee Info

Running for an officer position or joining one of our specialized club committees are ways you can get involved and engage with other women working on common interests.  Our leadership group has goals of:


  1. Presenting an inviting atmosphere for women (and men) to gather

  2. Teaching about what is happening in our communities

  3. Providing a call to action and learning how to make a difference by getting involved

Committees are where members can step into leadership in our group and prep for how to step into the next level of leadership in their community, county and state.

Our executive committee consists of 5 officer positions and committee chairs. The executive committee holds a planning meeting the 4th Thursday of each month. Term lengths for officer positions are 2 years. 

Other committees, such as our communications, membership and hospitality committees, are specialized in their area of focus. These committees meet as needed and provide great ways for you to bring your expertise to the club or even branch out and try something new. 




  • ​Presides at all Club & Executive Committee meetings or delegate as needed. 

  • Represents the club at all meetings when required at the State or National level or delegate as needed. 

  • Primary NFRW and MNRFW contact. 

  • Appoints committee chairs (e.g., Hospitality, Communications, Membership, etc.) as appropriate for club operation. 

  • Ensures Annual Financial Audit is completed. 

  • Co-signs checks with the Treasurer. 

Vice President

  • Assist the President in the performance of her duties.

  • Represent the club at such meetings that the President is unable to attend.

  • If a vacancy occurs during the term of the President, the Vice President shall fill the office during the unexpired term.


  • Record meeting minutes and keep a record of all meetings (monthly club and executive meetings).

  • Maintain records of the club (ie, meeting minutes, engagement reports) except those of the treasurer.

  • Keep record of all contracts, logins and passwords.

Executive committee positions


  • Collect membership dues and refreshement donations.

  • Make club bank account deposits.

  • Dispurse funds as directed by the Executive Committtee.

  • Forward annual membership fees to State Federation.

  • Coordinate with Database Director on members and dues.

  • Present written statement of account at club and Executive Committee meetings.

  • Maintain all financitla records and prepare Annual Audit statement.

  • Work with committees to prepare an annual estimated budget.

Database Director

  • Manage meeting registration sheets.

  • Coordinate with club Treasurer to keep dues information updated.

  • Maintaing the club database.

  • Maintain email marketing distribution lists.

Special committees

The communications committee develops the communications for the club. Our messaging to encourage women to engage in the political process by providing education, fellowship and knowledge of opportunities to make a difference.  If you have interest in this area, we are a fun group of professional women who enjoy our work and applying our skills to causes we believe in.


You may like to join this committee if you like to connect and encourage others.  The priority of this committee is to retain and grow membership so our group can have a larger voice on issues that matter.  Examples of responsibilities include:  contribute ideas to engage prospective members, help new members find their “fit” and manage our annual membership renewal drive.

The hospitality committee provides beverages and light snacks for our monthly meetings and manages the committee's expenses.



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Attend a Meeting

The 3rd Saturday of each month 

Become a Member

Dues by mail or in person only 

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